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Leeds was the first city to develop a Maternity Stream in 2011. It hosted a Maternity Stream conference in 2015. On this page you will find all the presentations from the conference along with information that was collected about different services in Leeds that was collected on the day.

Date of Leeds Maternity Stream Meeting: Wednesday 30th September, 10-12pm at Ebor Court (coffee from 9.30) 

Some feedback from the day:

“very informative, I hope to make use of the information in my workplace. I will pick up the phone and ask for advice, and I will smile”

“…as a student I have learnt so much to take forward into my practice. Inspired to aspire to a more joined up service”.

Film star feedback- “very brave and inspirational women” “a very brave and resourceful group of women”

Sara’s story – “amazing” “lovely to hear her story and confidence to tell it”

Film – “a wonderful, informative and moving film” “highly informative and emotive, excellent insight into the successes and failings of the health and social care services”

“really good to hear from people with lived experience – thank you to them for sharing their stories”

“very impressed by the professional atmosphere & quality of speakers present.”

“excellent presentations”

“very good, great variety, very well paced”

“very informative and heart warming”

“very inspired and humbled. I’m a midwife by background and it’s about being with women and it saddens me that women are not greeted and treated with respect. It’s amazing the services available in Leeds”


Skyline Maternity Conference presentation (3)

The Haamla Service and Perinatal FGM services in Leeds

Rights and Entitlements to Healthcare for People Seeking Asylum MATERNITY CONFERENCE Leeds

The Pregnant Woman in the Global Context Model by Dr Mel Cooper

Who, how and what of the Maternity Stream

Mums are amazing! by Rose McCarthy 2015.pptx x 2

Service Information

Thank you to all who filled in the service information request form. Below is a PDF with the information of services that were collected on the day and also a list of refugee support services from the Welcome To project in Leeds.

If you would like information about your service adding please get in touch with us and we will update.

Leeds service info sheet – Sheet1

Leeds refugee services Jan 2015

Program and Useful Links

Program – 1st June

Leeds Women’s Aid

Leeds Haamla Service

York Street Practice

Leeds Skyline


Antenatal/postnatal group for AS&R women in Leeds

Third sector resources in Leeds