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The Hull group was formed in 2015 beginning with a Maternity Stream conference. On this page you will find all the presentations from the conference along with information that was collected about different services in Hull.

Date of Hull Maternity Stream Meeting: 18th April, 1:30-3pm at Fenchurch St Children’s centre, Hull, HU5 1JF

Some feedback from the day:

‘Thank you for organising today, I really enjoyed it’

‘Fab day, please email out all PowerPoints’

‘Very brave volunteers, stories were very touching and relevant’

‘I will take a lot from today, great mix of professionals and real women’

‘Thank you’

‘……..Volunteers were so brave, gave insight to how important the correct care is’

‘Good to hear women’s stories, definitely a strength of the conference’

‘Amazing day’

‘Fantastic study I will take a lot away from this’

‘Well done to the organisers’

‘Good variety of speakers’

‘Very informative’

‘Emily was an amazing chair’

‘Feel more informed about AS&R women’


FGM in Hull 2015

Refugee services in Hull

Rights and Entitlements to Healthcare

Refugee Mental Health

Working with Interpreters Hull

Pre birth vulnerability pathway Hull

The doula project Hull

Programme and Useful Links

Programme – November 2015 

Goodwin Doulas

Together Women Project, Hull

Hull Women’s aid

Haven project, Hull

Northern refugee centre